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margin-right: 18px; } .akismet-usage-limit-alert h3 { margin: 0; } .akismet-usage-limit-alert .akismet-usage-limit-cta { border-color: none; text-align: right; } #akismet-plugin-container .akismet-usage-limit-cta a { color: #d63638; } @media (max-width: 550px) { div.error.akismet-usage-limit-alert { display: block; } .akismet-usage-limit-alert .akismet-usage-limit-logo, .akismet-usage-limit-alert .akismet-usage-limit-text { margin-bottom: 15px; } .akismet-usage-limit-alert .akismet-usage-limit-cta { text-align: left; } } Inclusion & Diversity Coaching – Shruti Swaroop

Shruti Swaroop

Inclusion & Diversity Coaching


Inclusion and Diversity Coaching addresses the deep-seated assumptions and unconscious biases that people invariably carry with them to their workplaces. By ensuring every employee's psychological safety and creating a sense of belonging, an environment emerges where voices are heard without judgment and opinions respected, irrespective of whom it comes from. This allows people to bring in their authentic selves and apply themselves to their work wholeheartedly.

Program Delivery

6 - 12


60 mins


6 – 12


60 mins


  • The program starts by discovering the HR leader’s objectives.
  • SMART goals are set for the individual participants to achieve through the sessions.
  • All coaching sessions are conducted in a safe and private space using scientific psychological assessments and the EMBRACE® framework.
  • Progress is measured at the start of every new session. 
  • With the individual’s permission, feedback is sought from the reporting manager or program sponsor on the benefits accrued from the coaching. 
  • Further internal review after 3-6 months is encouraged to check the participant’s progress in the areas of –
    • Biases
    • Blind spots
    • Sense of belonging
    • Psychological safety

Ideal For

Making workplace culture inclusive and ready to reap the benefits of diversity.


Individuals let go of any unconscious biases and are able to exercise empathy.
Managers are able to increase team efficiency and productivity.
HR benefits from an environment where employees feel a sense of belonging and are better engaged.


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